Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Hostage?

I watched a movie this weekend with some friends and as we were discussing different aspects of the film that spoke to each of us, one person said, "I thought it was interesting that Eleanor didn't hold him hostage for his mistake." This person's statement struck me in a profound manner. How often do we hold people hostage for mistakes they have made? We lock them away from us. We cut them off from social interaction and move on with our lives like they are no longer around. But they are around.....just hidden from the eye....not the mind's eye though.
Why is it so hard to accept people's imperfections? People's mistakes? The wrongs that are committed? Why can 1 wrong ruin days, weeks, months, years - of "rights"? Maybe it depends on the "wrong" that was done? The hurt that was experienced? The feeling of betrayal?
I'm not sure. I thought that love would conquer all things - forgive all things - believe in the possibilities of new beginnings and not hold me hostage - but I was wrong in one case. And the ironic thing is that the captor fights for freedom and liberty and justice for all...Fights against torture and evil and ills of mankind - yet I have become that person's prisoner of war.

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