Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Hostage?

I watched a movie this weekend with some friends and as we were discussing different aspects of the film that spoke to each of us, one person said, "I thought it was interesting that Eleanor didn't hold him hostage for his mistake." This person's statement struck me in a profound manner. How often do we hold people hostage for mistakes they have made? We lock them away from us. We cut them off from social interaction and move on with our lives like they are no longer around. But they are around.....just hidden from the eye....not the mind's eye though.
Why is it so hard to accept people's imperfections? People's mistakes? The wrongs that are committed? Why can 1 wrong ruin days, weeks, months, years - of "rights"? Maybe it depends on the "wrong" that was done? The hurt that was experienced? The feeling of betrayal?
I'm not sure. I thought that love would conquer all things - forgive all things - believe in the possibilities of new beginnings and not hold me hostage - but I was wrong in one case. And the ironic thing is that the captor fights for freedom and liberty and justice for all...Fights against torture and evil and ills of mankind - yet I have become that person's prisoner of war.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Do Something

"Always hold firmly to the thought that EACH one of us CAN DO something to bring SOME portion of Misery to an End."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Grasshopper

My little boy cat was so proud of himself this evening when he brought me a huge flying grasshopper. I praised him and raved over the prize he had brought home to share with us. I laughed and thought to myself, you're so much like my first kitty. He looked up at me with his big green eyes and beamed with joy. I wish I could bottle that feeling and save it for a "rainy" day.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Complaint Free World

A friend of mine sent me a plastic purple bracelet that was engraved with the message, "A Complaint Free" . What a novel concept... a complaint free world. Naturally I went to the website to learn more. It turned out to be a website affiliated with a Unity Church - an organization that embraces ALL people of ALL faiths....another novel concept, don't you think? There's a listing on one of their web pages with the names of lots of people and how many "complaint free days" they've lived. (Congratulations to them!) I try to be a positive person but some days it's just down right hard. I'm glad there's a tomorrow to try again.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Whatta Wednesday!

Wow! What a Wednesday! Thank God it's "hump day." Tomorrow can only be a little kinder and gentler. My phone rang off the hook starting this morning at 7:52 am. That's REALLY too early. I knew it was a sign of what the day would bring though...and indeed it was. All day long was about running from one crisis to the next....helping one person after another. I seriously don't take my wellness for granted. I'm fortunate to be of sound mind and body these days. And it's on days like to today that my past informs my present. I'm able to listen to people and hear their horror stories and/or contemplations of life and death and not freak out. I don't claim to know what it's like to walk in anybody else's shoes nor do I try to, but my own life journey has been quite rugged at times. I suppose I would compare it to climbing Hogpen Gap from the Southern terminus on the Appalachian Trail. (Holy Crap!)
Well, thank goodness it will be Thursday in just a few hours and this day will be one for the history books, the wall calendar and torn from my day-timer. I'm alive and glad to still be here and I know of 2 other people who are still with us this evening because we crossed paths today.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Another Anniversary

Tomorrow is 9/11. It is the 6th anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers...and a reminder of the fragile world we live in. It is also a reminder of the resilient nature of humanity. Thousands of lives were shattered in the physical proximity of the man made disaster...and millions more were impacted by the ripple that pulverized out around the world that day. Yet I know folks who were there at Ground Zero who have been able to put their lives back together and move forward - living life of their terms. Hurrah for them! Let us take courage from their example. Let us be mindful of the evil around us but let us not be overcome by it. Let us be mindful of the kindness of strangers and neighbors and co-workers and friends and family - and be grateful for their presence in our lives.
Tomorrow is 9/11...2007.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday Morning Snuggle

Weekends in the Fall are my favorite time of year. Saturdays and Sundays are all about spending time with friends and family, football games and play time with my animals. It's a great time to kick back and relax and put all the worries of the previous week behind me.
This morning I woke up around 10:30 am and moved from my bed to the floor in the living room where I snuggled with the dogs for about a half hour. All three of us just layed there. Not a care in the world. One dog's tummy rubbed, then the other. It was so peaceful. The sun beams shined through the plantation shutters welcoming us to a beautiful Sunday morning.
What a great day.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

High School Football Game

Last night was Friday Night High School Football! What a perfect night for a ballgame. It was about 78 degrees. The sky was clear. There was a slight breeze. The stadium was full of parents and teens dressed in spirited school colors and marching bands that blasted boisterous fight songs. I had a great time reuniting with old friends and cheering with the crowd as touchdown passes were caught and rumbling with the "boos" and "come ons" as we disagreed with the referees calls. It was a great night!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It's been a long week....

It's been a long week...and there's still one more day 'til the weekend. I'm tired - but I'm glad to be home with the cats, the couch and the computer.
I woke up at 1:25 am this morning wrestling with my mind, my thoughts and lots of memories. I wished I had someone to talk with....someone who would listen to my middle-of-the-night madness so I could rest in peace. I thought, wouldn't it be great to have a front porch with a few rocking chairs where people could sit and talk about their day, their hopes and dreams, their troubles, their relationships and not have to a pay a therapist?! I figured if I had the idea somebody else probably did as well - so I decided to create this blog for us.