Thursday, October 18, 2007

Long Island Iced Tea

It was a heck of a day. It started on my way to work. I was about hit head on by a car driving in the wrong direction at about 45 mph. All I could do was lay on my horn and quickly calculate that I'd be dust if we crashed head on at our respective speeds with no where to get out of the way. At the very moment I was preparing for impact - the car amazingly swerved back into the correct lane and we missed hitting each other by the sheer grace of God. I felt as if the Red Sea had been parted and this car mysteriously and magically found a space to swerve in to to avoid colliding with me. WOW! All before 8:45am.
I won't bother to write about the rest of my day other than to quote a line from a poem I heard in high school: "Oh Lord forgive me when I whine, I have two feet the world is mine."
So...does Long Island Iced Tea have tea in it or is the dark color from coke? I thought it was tea.

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