Friday, May 23, 2008

I Want 6 Figures Too!

I was just watching the CBS Evening News and heard a report that our government is going to be bailing out the Salmon fishermen with our tax dollars. The report said that the fishermen will get to pick their best fiscal year between 2002-2007 and the government will match that amount and write them a check. When asked why the government should provide this financial assistance the junior senator from California stated: "They lost their ability to go out and make a living." WOW!
Katie Couric then reminded every watching that the payout to households who were victims of Katrina only received about $2,500 each.
I'm disgusted.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tragedy, Rage, Courage

I'm learning over and over again to rely on the words of the Serenity Prayer:
"God, Grant me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change; the Courage to Change the Things I Can, and the Wisdom to Know the Difference."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Free to Be Me

Shrek the Third and Sammy Davis Jr. both proclaimed a similar message decades apart: "I gotta be me!"

At the end of the Shrek movie Arty says to the crowd, "You're telling me you just want to be villans your whole lives?" Captain Hook replies, "But we ARE villans, it's the only thing we know." Arty responds, "Didn't you ever wish you could be something else?" An animated tree chimes in, "Well it's easy for you to say, you're not some evil enchanted tree." Another tree adds, "What Steve's trying to say is, it's hard to come by honest work when the whole world's against you." Arty, "Okay, fair enough. You're right....I'm not a talking tree but you know a good friend of mine once told me that just because people treat you like a villan or an ogar or just some loser, it doesn't mean you are one. The thing that matters most - is what you think of your self. If there's something you really want or some one you really want to be, then the only person standing in your way is you. ..... Each of you is standing in your way." The crowd responds, "Ohhhhhhh."
A moment of enlightment. .............
I've gotta be ME!
And the gift of each new day is that I get a chance to create a new me.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Tree's Brilliance

I was driving down the road late this afternoon and caught the sun dancing across a variety of red, orange, yellow and brown leaves dangling from the tree branches. I thought, "what amazing fall colors we are experiencing this week - even amidst the drought." The colors were truly brilliant. And then it dawned on me...the trees are in a death stage. A stage when the leaves wither and die and are blown from the branches they covered for the past 8 months. Isn't it incredible that these once young green fleshy leaves can have such flaming vibrant pigments pronounced here at the end of their life?! I can only hope that I die with such enthusiasm and excitement when dust returns to dust.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Confession is Good for the Soul

Think about it. Don't just read the words and move on. Meditate on this statement. It is more than a is a it not?
Confession is good for the soul.
When we confess, we unburden ourselves of thoughts, words and deeds that have been detrimental in some way. Confession cleanses and renews the spirit.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Advocacy with Strings Attached

Advocacy for people with disabilities is a great long as you don't piss off the people who MAY be potential donors. WHAT???????
This is outrageous!
Money is truly the root of THIS evil. If money were not an issue than fists would be shook and feet would be stamped and voices would be raised. BUT money IS an issue so the word from on high is..."back off." What a disgrace!
So now I have to ask myself, "Where are my principles?" "Where is my integrity?" "Where is my right to advocate?" "How do I live with myself if I concede?" "Will the almighty buck stop ME?!"

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Long Island Iced Tea

It was a heck of a day. It started on my way to work. I was about hit head on by a car driving in the wrong direction at about 45 mph. All I could do was lay on my horn and quickly calculate that I'd be dust if we crashed head on at our respective speeds with no where to get out of the way. At the very moment I was preparing for impact - the car amazingly swerved back into the correct lane and we missed hitting each other by the sheer grace of God. I felt as if the Red Sea had been parted and this car mysteriously and magically found a space to swerve in to to avoid colliding with me. WOW! All before 8:45am.
I won't bother to write about the rest of my day other than to quote a line from a poem I heard in high school: "Oh Lord forgive me when I whine, I have two feet the world is mine."
So...does Long Island Iced Tea have tea in it or is the dark color from coke? I thought it was tea.